Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Get Bossed Up!

This weekend, I had the fun opportunity to present a resume writing workshop for Bossed Up's first Bootcamp in Washington, DC.  Bossed Up is an inspiring women's leadership development organization recently founded by two young women on top, Emilie Aries and Simone Petrella.  The two founders met at a yoga tweet-up and then cultivated a friendship that led them to create Bossed Up. The mission of Bossed Up is to "to unlock 100% of our human capacity by empowering women to craft healthy, happy, sustainable careers – for life!" Bossed Up Bootcamps are geared for women ages 25 to 35.

I love Bossed Up's holistic approach to women's leadership. Their program agenda includes a love coach, a nutritionist, a head shot session, a stylist, yoga and dance classes, among other more traditional workshops such as networking and salary negotiation. I don't know of any other truly comprehensive women's leadership development model. Most other programs just include professional skills, but avoid topics such as romance, nutrition, or fashion.  However, if a young woman truly wants to be successful and happy, she has to address all aspects of her life and not solely career advancement. If your romantic life or nutritional needs are off balance, your career will also suffer!

I'm really excited to watch how Emilie and Simone continue to build Bossed Up. I hope more women's organizations will incorporate Bossed Up's holistic approach into their trainings. So readers, as you reflect on your own professional development, consider how you can be more holistic in opportunities you seek. Can you take a healthy cooking class? Maybe try out a new exercise routine? Determine your own path to being "Bossed Up!"

Want some quick advice on resume and cover letter writing? Check out my slides from the Bossed Up presentation.

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